Founder - Rebecca
Rebecca is a board member of Arts Council England funded Primary an artist-led contemporary visual arts organisation and The Bowes Museum. She is a former member of the Advisory Board of The Attenborough Arts Centre (University of Leicester). She was Executive Director for Arts Council England Ambition for Excellence 3-year funded Mansions of the Future.
Rebecca advised collaborating organisations on the campaign to raise the profile of artist commissions during the London 2012 Olympics and was instrumental in securing the funding and commissioning for Hull City of Culture 2017’s of Linda Brothwell’s Tool Appreciation Society as well as securing the commissioning of BBC
Four’s Handmade in Hull documentary. She has advised on cultural strategies for the Mayor of London (Fourth Plinth Commissioning Model), the British Council (Maker Library Network).
She has been commissioned by Arts Council England (her advisory work has encompassed Turning Point – a 10-year strategy for the Visual Arts, Artist Insights – a pioneering programme of artist residences in corporate settings and Arts Council England’s 60th anniversary campaign), the V&A Museum (advising the board, director and architect during its Exhibition Road renovation project), the Royal Academy of Arts (on numerous strategic and capital developments and exhibitions). She has also devised audience development and other strategic projects for Kew Royal Botanical Gardens, National Museums Scotland, British Museum, National Poetry Day, Louvre Abu Dhabi and the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
Rebecca has devised creative approaches to regeneration developing strategies, arts centres and workspaces, programmes, artist commissions, exhibitions and products on behalf of local authorities, housing associations, non-departmental government bodies and regional regeneration agencies. She has worked with many leading visual artists, film makers, sculptors, and actors including Bonnie Wright, Sean Bean, Samantha Morton, Juliet Stevenson, Tracey Emin, Gavin Turk and Laure Prouvost.
Rebecca has advised on a number of significant cultural and corporate partnerships including Waitrose and National Poetry, the BBC and National Poetry Day, Sainsbury’s and Arts Council England, the Philadelphia Museum of Art for a wide range of corporate partners. Rebecca was formerly a corporate advisor to FTSE100, 250 and Fortune 500 companies. She has led campaigns to grow organisations by IPO, share issues and mergers and acquisitions.